Scholarly interests:
- reception of classical literature in the Middle Ages
- medieval and renaissance translation theory
Selected publications
Entries in the „Lexicon Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis Polonorum” (since vol. VIII, fasc. 65).
The dispute over June - a parody of the court of Paris in "Fasti" VI 1 - 100. New Filomata 1 (2004), pp. 31-37.
Misera Dido fati nescia. The figure of the Carthaginian queen in the eyes of the poets of the Augustów era: Virgil and Ovid [in:] Love in the literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Materials from the inter-university student session edited by A. Witczak and A. Ługiewicz, Gdańsk 2001, pp. 31-47.
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux, The Life of the Holy Bishop Malachi [in:] Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Apology. About conversion. Life of the holy Bishop Malachi, Skoczów 2007, pp. 112-198.
- Letters and speeches on the canonization of Saint Jack from the mid-15th century [in:] Saint Jacek Odrowaz. Studies and Sources. Dominican treasures. Ed. M. Zdanek, Kraków 2007, pp. 227 - 236 (translation and editing).
- St. Bernard of Clarvaux, On counsel and dispensation; About grace and free will; To the Templars. C wa a new knighthood. (submitted for printing)
- A. Cencini, Find a secret Krakow 2001
- A. Cencini, A world of human desires, Krakow 2001
- A. Cencini, History of your own life - a place for mystery, Krakow 2001
Conference Papers
- 3rd Congress of Polish Medievists. Łódź 22 - 24. IX. 2008. Paper entitled Latin songs and love letters in Poland in the 15th century
- Metamorphoseon synagoge. Transformations and ties in literature, art and ethics. Katowice 6 - 7 XI. 2006. Paper entitled Metamorphosis of "Metamorphoses" - allegorical interpretation of Ovid's works in the Middle Ages.