Workshop of Medieval Latin of the Institute of Language Polish MR
invites you to a nationwide conference entitled
Polish Latin lexicography. H.theory and perspectives
Krakow, May 6, 2014
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The occasion for the meeting is the 60th anniversary of the publication of the first issue Medieval Latin dictionary in Poland and completion of work on Electronic Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland (AQ). The conference will have three goals:
1.critical reflection on the achievements and the state of Polish Latin lexicography,
2. articulating the needs and demands of the environment,
3. integration of representatives of various disciplines as well as users and dictionaries makers.
We invite all interested parties to participate in the conference: theoretical and practical lexicographers, linguists, teachers, historians, historians of literature and language.
The subject of the presentations may be dictionaries that are differentiated due to:
1.Temporary scope of the material (ancient Latin, medieval Latin, modern Latin),
2. addressee (scientific and documentation dictionaries, popular dictionaries, including school dictionaries),
3. range of material included (general, terminological, author, private dictionaries).