Dr. Krzysztof PawłowskiKrzysztof Pawłowski, PhD

Research interests:

He works with the historiography of the 12th and 13th centuries, Polish-Latin poetry of the 15th century and medieval lexicography.

He is a sworn translator of the Latin language.

He also conducts classes in classical and medieval Latin.

Education and the course of scientific work

  1. He graduated from Classical Philology at the Jagiellonian University.
  2. He also defended his doctorate there. Ancient rhetoric in the Kadłubek chronicle.


Współautor haseł „Słownika łaciny średniowiecznej w Polsce” (t. V – VIII).

The most important publications:
  1. The first manifesto of humanistic poetry in Poland, Analecta Cracoviensia, R. 18, 1986.
  2. Master Gregory, About the amazing monuments of Rome, Meander 43, 1988 (introduction and translation).
  3. Ancient rhetoric in the Kadłubek chronicle, Krakow 2003.
  4. AW Kojałowicz, War with the Cossacks in the years 1648 - 1649 Brandon University, Manitoba 2005 (translation).
  5. Bedellus seu sapientia at the University of Krakow, Krakow 2008
  6. What is freedom?, Staropolska thought polityczna, Kraków 2008 (translation).

Fields of Study

- Latin historiography of XII-XIIIth century

- Latin poetry

- medieval lexicography

Selected Publications

Entries in the „Lexicon Mediae et Infimae” (since vol. V).

  1. The first manifesto of humanistic poetry in Poland, Analecta Cracoviensia, R. 18, 1986.
  2. Master Gregory, About the amazing monuments of Rome, Meander 43, 1988 (introduction and translation).
  3. Ancient rhetoric in the Kadłubek chronicle, Krakow 2003.
  4. AW Kojałowicz, War with the Cossacks in the years 1648 - 1649 Brandon University, Manitoba 2005 (translation).
  5. Bedellus seu sapientia at the University of Krakow, Krakow 2008
  6. What is freedom?, Staropolska thought polityczna, Kraków 2008 (translation).

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