Research interests
Research interests focus on the reception of antiquity in the literature and culture of medieval Europe.
He also translates Latin texts, mainly by medieval and renaissance authors.
Education and the course of scientific work
She graduated from Classical Philology at the Jagiellonian University. She also defended her doctorate there: Fasti morum, fasti hominum. „Fasti” Owidiusza jako kalendarz rzymski, dzieło poetyckie, panegiryk cesarski.
- Współautorka haseł „Słownika łaciny średniowiecznej w Polsce” (od t. VIII, z. 65).
- The dispute over June - a parody of the court of Paris in "Fasti" VI 1 - 100. New Filomata 1 (2004), pp. 31-37.
- Misera Dido fati nescia. The figure of the Carthaginian queen in the eyes of the poets of the Augustów era: Virgil and Ovid [in:] Love in the literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Materials from the inter-university student session edited by A. Witczak and A. Ługiewicz, Gdańsk 2001, pp. 31-47.
Translations from Latin
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux, The Life of the Holy Bishop Malachi [in:] Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Apology. About conversion. Life of the holy Bishop Malachi, Skoczów 2007, pp. 112-198.
- Letters and speeches on the canonization of Saint Jack from the mid-15th century [in:] Saint Jacek Odrowaz. Studies and Sources. Dominican treasures. Ed. M. Zdanek, Kraków 2007, pp. 227 - 236 (translation and editing).
- St. Bernard of Clarvaux, On counsel and dispensation; About grace and free will; To the Templars. In praise of the new knighthood. (submitted for printing)
Translations from Italian
- A. Cencini, Find a secret Krakow 2001
- A. Cencini, A world of human desires, Krakow 2001
- A. Cencini, History of your own life - a place for mystery, Krakow 2001
Taking part in conferences
- 3rd Congress of Polish Medievists. Łódź 22 - 24. IX. 2008. Paper entitled Latin songs and love letters in Poland in the 15th century
- Metamorphoseon synagoge. Transformations and ties in literature, art and ethics. Katowice 6 - 7 XI. 2006. Paper entitled Metamorphosis of "Metamorphoses" - allegorical interpretation of Ovid's works in the Middle Ages.
Membership in domestic and foreign scientific bodies
Member of the Polish Philological Society.
Scholarly interests:
- reception of classical literature in the Middle Ages
- medieval and renaissance translation theory
Selected publications
Entries in the „Lexicon Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis Polonorum” (since vol. VIII, fasc. 65).
The dispute over June - a parody of the court of Paris in "Fasti" VI 1 - 100. New Filomata 1 (2004), pp. 31-37.
Misera Dido fati nescia. The figure of the Carthaginian queen in the eyes of the poets of the Augustów era: Virgil and Ovid [in:] Love in the literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Materials from the inter-university student session edited by A. Witczak and A. Ługiewicz, Gdańsk 2001, pp. 31-47.
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux, The Life of the Holy Bishop Malachi [in:] Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Apology. About conversion. Life of the holy Bishop Malachi, Skoczów 2007, pp. 112-198.
- Letters and speeches on the canonization of Saint Jack from the mid-15th century [in:] Saint Jacek Odrowaz. Studies and Sources. Dominican treasures. Ed. M. Zdanek, Kraków 2007, pp. 227 - 236 (translation and editing).
- St. Bernard of Clarvaux, On counsel and dispensation; About grace and free will; To the Templars. C wa a new knighthood. (submitted for printing)
- A. Cencini, Find a secret Krakow 2001
- A. Cencini, A world of human desires, Krakow 2001
- A. Cencini, History of your own life - a place for mystery, Krakow 2001
Conference Papers
- 3rd Congress of Polish Medievists. Łódź 22 - 24. IX. 2008. Paper entitled Latin songs and love letters in Poland in the 15th century
- Metamorphoseon synagoge. Transformations and ties in literature, art and ethics. Katowice 6 - 7 XI. 2006. Paper entitled Metamorphosis of "Metamorphoses" - allegorical interpretation of Ovid's works in the Middle Ages.