Dr. Anna LedzińskaAnna Ledzinska, PhD

Research interests

He deals with the history of concepts important to European culture (the concept of love in St. Augustine, artes liberales ) oraz teorią literatury i gramatyką późnej starożytności, jak również średniowiecza. Temu zagadnieniu poświęciła rozprawę doktorską pt: „Origo et fundamentum liberalium litterarum. Grammar in the liberal arts system in the writings of Isidore of Seville. "

He also translates works of medieval and Renaissance authors from Latin, incl. Bernard of Clairvaux, Petrarch and Mikołaj Hussowski.

Education and the course of scientific work

She graduated from Classical Philology at the Jagiellonian University.


Co-author of the entries in the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland (from vol. VIII, issue 1 - 2003).

  1. Pondus meum amor meus - interpretation of passage XIII 9 "Confessiones" of St. Augustine, in: M. love in literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome - Materials from the nationwide student session, Gdańsk 2001, pp. 251-257
  2. In memoriam Miecislai Broscii, in: Terminus 2 (2000), pp. 13-18.
  3. Passus 1.1 of the "Etymology" of St. Isidore of Seville and the formation of the theory of liberal arts, in: Collectanea classica Thorunensia XIII. Graeco-Latina IV Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Studies, Toruń 2002, pp. 45-53
  4. Nicholas of Hussów "Song about the life and deeds of St. Jacek ", in: Saint Jacek Odrowaz. Studies and sources, Krakow 2007, pp. 79-97
  1. Hildegard of Bingen Scivias - the first vision from the third part of the work, in: Cenobium 15 (2001), pp. 58-60
  2. Bernard of Clairvaux Second Sermon on the Song of Songs, in: Cenobium 15 (2001), pp. 48-57
  3. Bernard of Clairvaux The Third Sermon on the Song of Songs, in: Cenobium 16 (2001), pp. 20-24
  4. Bernard of Clairvaux First Sermon: On the very title of the book "Songs of Songs", in Terminus 4.1 (2002), pp. 193-198
  5. Carlo Maria Martini Bible and vocation, Krakow 2002
  6. Franciszek Petrarka Letters V 5; V 7; XIV 1, translation with footnotes, in: Francesco Petrarca About ignorance of one's own and others - Selected letters, Gdańsk 2005, p. 123-133, 239-250
  7. Mikołaj of Hussów A song about the life and deeds of Saint Jack, in: Saint Jacek Odrowaz. Studies and sources, Krakow 2007, p. 181-226

Fields of Study

- medieval grammar and literary criticism
-translation studies

Selected Publications

Entries in the „Lexicon Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis Polorum” (since vol. VIII, fasc. 1)

Journal papers
  1. Pondus meum amor meus - interpretation of passage XIII 9 "Confessiones" of St. Augustine, in: M. love in literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome - Materials from the nationwide student session, Gdańsk 2001, pp. 251-257
  2. In memoriam Miecislai Broscii, in: Terminus 2 (2000), pp. 13-18.
  3. Passus 1.1 of the "Etymology" of St. Isidore of Seville and the formation of the theory of liberal arts, in: Collectanea classica Thorunensia XIII. Graeco-Latina IV Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Studies, Toruń 2002, pp. 45-53
  4. Nicholas of Hussów "Song about the life and deeds of St. Jacek ", in: Saint Jacek Odrowaz. Studies and sources, Krakow 2007, pp. 79-97
  1. Hildegard of Bingen Scivias - the first vision from the third part of the work, in: Cenobium 15 (2001), pp. 58-60
  2. Bernard of Clairvaux Second Sermon on the Song of Songs, in: Cenobium 15 (2001), pp. 48-57
  3. Bernard of Clairvaux The Third Sermon on the Song of Songs, in: Cenobium 16 (2001), pp. 20-24
  4. Bernard of Clairvaux First Sermon: On the very title of the book "Songs of Songs", in Terminus 4.1 (2002), pp. 193-198
  5. Carlo Maria Martini Bible and vocation, Krakow 2002
  6. Franciszek Petrarka Letters V 5; V 7; XIV 1, translation with footnotes, in: Francesco Petrarca About ignorance of one's own and others - Selected letters, Gdańsk 2005, p. 123-133, 239-250
  7. Mikołaj of Hussów A song about the life and deeds of Saint Jack, in: Saint Jacek Odrowaz. Studies and sources, Krakow 2007, p. 181-226

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