Aleksandra Kulbicka, MAAleksandra Kulbicka, MA

Research interests

Experienced lexicographer. He also translates Latin texts.

Education and the course of scientific work

She graduated from Classical Philology at the Jagiellonian University.


  1. Współautorka haseł „Słownika łaciny średniowiecznej w Polsce” (od t. VI, z. 4).
  2. Gesta Hungarorum of King Bela's Anonymous Notary, Krakow 2006 (co-author of the translation).

Research interests

Experienced lexicographer. He also translates Latin texts.

Education and the course of scientific work

She graduated from Classical Philology at the Jagiellonian University.


  1. Współautorka haseł „Słownika łaciny średniowiecznej w Polsce” (od t. VI, z. 4).
  2. Gesta Hungarorum of King Bela's Anonymous Notary, Krakow 2006 (co-author of the translation).

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