Education and research work:
- He graduated from Classical Philology at the Jagiellonian University.
- Doktorat „Derywacja sufiksalna w łacinie średniowiecznej – rzeczownik” obroniony w Instytucie Języka Polskiego PAN.
Major publications:
Współautor haseł, a od 2006 roku redaktor „Słownika łaciny średniowiecznej w Polsce”.
Co-author: Jan from Dąbrówka Commentary on the Polish Chronicle of Master Wincenty, known as Kadłubek, published, with an introduction and footnotes by Marian Zwiercan in collaboration with Anna Kozłowska and Michał Rzepiela, Kraków 2008, pp. I-XXX and 1-319.
Translations within the monograph:
- Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae, T. XXV: Marius Filonardi, vol. 2 (November 1, 1636 - October 31, 1637), published by Teresa Chynczewska-Hennel, Krakow 2006 (Latin translation of summaries of nuncios' letters and footnotes with commentaries).
- Tomasz Jurek, Heir to the Kingdom of Poland, Prince of Głogów, Henry (1274-1309), Krakow 2006, (Polish translation from Latin The epitaph of Henryk Głogowski from Lubiąż, pp. 272-273)
- Les néologimes créés par suffixation dans le latin polonais, in: Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevii, volume 63, Genève 2005, pp. 34-43.
- artykuł hasłowy 'plaustrum’ (podpisany imiennie) w naukowym słowniku łaciny starożytnej „Thesuarus Linguae Latinae”, vol. X, 1 fasc. XV, pius-plenarius, München Leipzig 2005, szp. 2368-2371.
- co-author: Tomasz Jurek, Michał Rzepiela, Lubiąskie epitaph of prince Henryk Głogowski - a newly discovered monument of Latin poetry from the beginning of the 14th century, in: LXXI Historical Annals, 2005, pp. 185-199.
- Latin nomina agentis na ‑tor in Polish translations of the Statutes of Armenian law of 1519, Amoenitates vel lepores philologiae, Krakow 2007, pp. 285-294.
- Wörterbuch als Inspiration, Prague 5-7 December 2006. Lecture entitled "Certains aspects cognitifs et extralinguistiques de la création lexicale en latin médiéval".
- III Congress of Polish Medievists, Łódź, 22-24 September 2008. Paper entitled "Structure of the narrative in the History of Poland by Jan Długosz".
Membership in domestic and foreign scientific bodies
- member of the Classical Philology Commission of the PAU.
- member of the Neolatinist Committee of the Committee on Ancient Culture Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- member of the editorial board of the Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, Bulletin du Cange in Paris.
Selected Publications
Co-editor of: Jan from Dąbrówki Commentary on the Polish Chronicle of Master Wincenty, known as Kadłubek, published, with an introduction and footnotes by Marian Zwiercan in collaboration with Anna Kozłowska and Michał Rzepiela, Kraków 2008, pp. I-XXX and 1-319.
- Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae, T. XXV: Marius Filonardi, vol. 2 (November 1, 1636 - October 31, 1637), published by Teresa Chynczewska-Hennel, Krakow 2006 (Latin translation of summaries of nuncios' letters and footnotes with commentaries).
- Tomasz Jurek, Heir to the Kingdom of Poland, Prince of Głogów, Henry (1274-1309), Krakow 2006, (Polish translation from Latin The epitaph of Henryk Głogowski from Lubiąż, pp. 272-273)
Journal papers
- Les néologimes créés par suffixation dans le latin polonais, in: Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevii, volume 63, Genève 2005, pp. 34-43.
- artykuł hasłowy 'plaustrum’ (podpisany imiennie) w naukowym słowniku łaciny starożytnej „Thesuarus Linguae Latinae”, vol. X, 1 fasc. XV, pius-plenarius, München Leipzig 2005, szp. 2368-2371.
- co-author: Tomasz Jurek, Michał Rzepiela, Lubiąskie epitaph of prince Henryk Głogowski - a newly discovered monument of Latin poetry from the beginning of the 14th century, in: LXXI Historical Annals, 2005, pp. 185-199.
- Latin nomina agentis na ‑tor in Polish translations of the Statutes of Armenian law of 1519, Amoenitates vel lepores philologiae, Krakow 2007, pp. 285-294.
Conference papers
- Wörterbuch als Inspiration, Prague 5-7 December 2006. Lecture entitled "Certains aspects cognitifs et extralinguistiques de la création lexicale en latin médiéval".
- III Congress of Polish Medievists, Łódź, 22-24 September 2008. Paper entitled "Structure of the narrative in the History of Poland by Jan Długosz".