History of the DictionaryProject's History

Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland one of a dozen or so similar dictionaries edited in Europe that was developed in response to the initiative Union Académique Internationale from 1920, the development of separate dictionaries for medieval Latin for individual nations. The Polish dictionary is currently one of the most advanced, and since it began to be published as the first since 1953, it is a model for other dictionaries. This is confirmed by, among others numerous flattering reviews in reputable philological journals. Editorial rules Dictionary were established by the deceased in 1996, its first editor, world-famous philologist, prof. Marian Plezia. In the years 1988-2005, the dictionary work was headed by prof. Krystyna Weyssenhoff-Brożkowa. Currently, the studio is headed by Dr. Michał Rzepiela.

Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland is today perhaps the most famous undertaking of the Polish humanities on an international scale.

LMILP is one of the similar European projects which were launched in response to the plea of the International Union of Academies. Being published since 1953, it can be said to be an example to be followed by authors of other European dictionaries. Its distinct quality has been proved by reviewers of renowned philological journals. Editorial rules of the Lexicon have been established by its first editor, Prof. Marian Plezia, a scholar of international renown. In 1988-2005 it was Prof. Krystyna Weysenhoff-Brożkowa who was a chief editor of the Lexicon. Nowadays, work on Lexicon is governed by Michał Rzepiela, PhD.

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