Project descriptionProject's description


Works on Electronic Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland oraz jego publikacja i aktualizacje finansowane są obecnie (tj. w latach 2011 r. – 2014 r.) ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (umowa nr 3736/B/H03/2011/40) w ramach projektu „Elektroniczny Słownik Łaciny Średniowiecznej w Polsce (A-Q)”.

Project description

The goal of the project is to create Electronic Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland, the first scientific dictionary of the Latin language publicly available on the Internet on an open access basis. The implementation of the project will enable detailed and advanced research into lexis, grammar and syntax of medieval Latin. The dictionary will also serve researchers interested in the history of the Polish language and the mutual influence of Latin and Old Polish, as well as scholars of many other specialties. The project's innovation consists in developing and implementing, based on international standards, methods of linguistic annotation of the Polish historical dictionary. It will be possible to achieve this goal by adapting the XML markup language in the TEI Consortium specification. Such a development Dictionary it will enable to formulate complex queries both in the layer of lexicographic description and material illustration.

The starting point for Electronic Dictionary the material will be collected in seven volumes (approx. 5 thousand pages) Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland, a project with an international reputation, which is confirmed by favorable reviews in prestigious scientific journals. This work, considered one of the most advanced projects in mediolatinist lexicography and the result of many years of work by many outstanding Polish scientists, incl. Professors Marian Plezi, Stefan Swieżawski, Krystyna Weyssenhoff-Brożkowa, began to appear in the 1950s, so his first volumes are virtually unavailable. Therefore, it becomes necessary to prepare a modern, easy-to-use and accessible to a wide audience an electronic dictionary.

Entries will be defined in Polish and Latin, which will make it useful for Polish and foreign researchers. It is also planned to create (in Polish and English) a website for the project with a detailed description. In preparing the dictionary, tools and methods used today in similar international projects will be used. The main goal of concept creators Electronic Dictionary is to open it to future applications in various research contexts and to give it such a form that it becomes the first step to creating a platform for research on the Polish Middle Ages. Electronic Dictionary will be one of the first large-scale projects of this type in the world, so its implementation will undoubtedly contribute to the popularization of Polish science in the international arena.

Project title: Electronic Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland (AQ)
Means: The project is funded by the National Science Center (contract No. 3736 / B / H03 / 2011/40)
Delivery time: June 2011 - June 2014

The goal of the project is to create Electronic Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland, the first scientific dictionary of the Latin language publicly available on the Internet on an open access basis. The implementation of the project will enable detailed and advanced research into lexis, grammar and syntax of medieval Latin. The dictionary will also serve researchers interested in the history of the Polish language and the mutual influence of Latin and Old Polish, as well as scholars of many other specialties. The project's innovation consists in developing and implementing, based on international standards, methods of linguistic annotation of the Polish historical dictionary. It will be possible to achieve this goal by adapting the XML markup language in the TEI Consortium specification. Such a development Dictionary it will enable to formulate complex queries both in the layer of lexicographic description and material illustration.

The starting point for Electronic Dictionary the material will be collected in seven volumes (approx. 5 thousand pages) Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Poland, a project with an international reputation, which is confirmed by favorable reviews in prestigious scientific journals. This work, considered one of the most advanced projects in mediolatinist lexicography and the result of many years of work by many outstanding Polish scientists, incl. Professors Marian Plezi, Stefan Swieżawski, Krystyna Weyssenhoff-Brożkowa, began to appear in the 1950s, so his first volumes are virtually unavailable. Therefore, it becomes necessary to prepare a modern, easy-to-use and accessible to a wide audience an electronic dictionary.

Entries will be defined in Polish and Latin, which will make it useful for Polish and foreign researchers. It is also planned to create (in Polish and English) a website for the project with a detailed description. In preparing the dictionary, tools and methods used today in similar international projects will be used. The main goal of concept creators Electronic Dictionary is to open it to future applications in various research contexts and to give it such a form that it becomes the first step to creating a platform for research on the Polish Middle Ages. Electronic Dictionary will be one of the first large-scale projects of this type in the world, so its implementation will undoubtedly contribute to the popularization of Polish science in the international arena.

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